3 Reasons Your Promotional Products Need To Be Useful – Not Just Pretty

At Forefront, we’re well aware of the mistakes that some clients make when picking out promotional products. Promotional products are powerful marketing materials.

However, to truly maximize your ROI when using promotional products, it’s important to pick products that are useful – that offer some kind of value to your potential customers. Why? Here are 3 reasons.

1. 77% Of Customers Say They Keep Promotional Products Because They’re Useful

The longer a customer owns your product, the more value you get out of it. For example – if you give a branded travel mug to a potential client and they use it for over 2 years, you’ll get a huge return on investment.

According to Sage, 77% of consumers keep promotional products because they’re useful. Not only that, useful products will be used in public more often – creating even more marketing impressions, and further maximizing your ROI in promotional products.

2. It Takes (At Least) 6 Impressions To Turn A Prospect Into A Customer

If you give a potential customer a branded hat, they may look at it once, wear it a few times, and then toss it. If you give them a set of luxury branded pens, on the other hand, they may start using them exclusively – and each time they look at them, they’ll think of your company.

This is critical for marketing success. It takes at least 6 solid impressions to turn a prospect into a customer. Utilitarian products provide a powerful way to keep your company in the forefront of your customer’s mind. By providing more impressions, these products can increase sales.

3. 53% Of People Use A Promotional Product At Least Once A Week

If a product is useful and functional, customers will use it.That’s just a fact, and that’s why so many people use promotional products regularly.

If you’re not offering a useful promotional product that can be used by your customers, chances are that your competition is. So focus on creating useful promotional products, and you’ll be able to dramatically increase the effectiveness of your marketing strategy.

Focus On Utility – And Increase The Effectiveness Of Your Promotional Products!

For these 3 reasons – and many others – it’s critical that you choose promotional products that are appropriate for your industry, and will be useful and versatile.

Interested in what we believe are some of the highest engaging utility products available right now? Get in touch with Kate at kate@forefrontstore.com and we’ll share with you the most effective pieces today.


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